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Answers for entrepreneurs

Formybusiness.ca is truly a digital guide that you can refer to regularly to manage your employees more effectively. The concept is simple: Each article published offers a concrete response to a specific question that you would ask yourself while accomplishing your entrepreneurial tasks.

5 min 

Protecting your information in a hyperconnected world

Protecting your information in a hyperconnected world These days, businesses are frequently faced with security incidents and breaches of information. According to Statistics Canada, 18% of Canadian businesses were impacted by cybersecurity incidents in 2021 and over the course of that year $9.7 billion was spent to prevent or detect such incidents. Throughout the country, cybersecurity threats are a rapidly evolving and constant reality for business owners.
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Nethris, at the heart of digital transformation: meeting the challenges of SMEs

Increasing productivity and efficiency, and reducing costs is the name of the game for all companies and their leaders. This is especially true when you consider that the proper management of the employee compensation process is one of the main key indicators of a business’s health and the degree of confidence held by its teams. Given this reality, how can you succeed in your digital transformation and focus on the most important things to stay competitive?
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How to manage your time more efficiently

A well-managed company has many parameters in place, and one of them is time optimization. Not only does time optimization promote the development of its activities, it facilitates the work of both employees and employers. You can apply a few simple practices and choose to trust technology: it won’t stop time, but it can you help you find more of it.
6 min. 

Reopening of Restaurants: What are the Challenges?

Restaurant owners’ excitement at the idea of seeing their customers again is tainted by the many challenges that have arisen as a result of the pandemic. Studies now show that the country has fewer restaurants than two years ago. Nevertheless, the situation also creates new business opportunities. You can now leverage your adversity to create a competitive advantage for your business!
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How can you integrate remote workers?

In two years, the hiring process has changed dramatically and many workers have been remotely integrated into their new companies. Welcoming a new employee can be a challenge, as it is now necessary to rework the arrival protocols and the tools used so that they meet the support needs of remote work. As an employer, you must facilitate the smooth integration of your employee, thus putting retention at the top of your priorities.