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Managing the year-end seamlessly – a look back at the lunch and learn

November 22, 2022
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The friendly and free event hosted by our experts, during which you were invited to look at the different steps in the year-end process, was held in French and English on November 2nd and 18th respectively. Organized by Nethris, the lunch and learn provided guidance in terms of which tasks are your responsibility and which ones we take care of for you. Many of you were in attendance, some for the first time, and we would like to take this opportunity thank you all for taking part!

Anticipating and preparing for the year-end

This period corresponds to the fiscal year-end as established by the federal and provincial governments, and involves the verification of amounts paid to employees throughout the year and the transmission of this information to government agencies. It is also the opportune time to start thinking about next year by making any necessary adjustments; certain changes must be completed before the last payroll of the current year and the first one of the upcoming year.

What Nethris does on your behalf

During our lunch and learn, participants learned that we produce their income tax slips (employee and employer copies), transmit all data to the Canada Revenu Agency and certain data to Revenu Québec. Through it all, we act as a support to help you navigate this complex time of the year.  If needed, we can make reports available for you to verify your data prior to producing your income tax slips.

With our five (5) year-end bulletins, online help and the Contact us tool, we are always available to answer your questions, including those pertaining to year-end tasks that you must accomplish. Learn more about year-end activities  organized by Nethris.