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Nethris employees unite for payroll

October 21, 2019
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On a daily basis, the Nethris employees strive to help employers pay their personnel on the expected date. This essential task is crucial to the financial health of the Canadian workforce, as half of the workers say that they could not meet their obligations if their pay was delayed for a few days. The National Payroll Week, held every year at the beginning of September, celebrates the continued efforts of experts throughout the country.

National Payroll Week- Nethris

Several Nethris members put on their best disguise. © SR Photographie

Our business participated enthusiastically in the festivities by organizing various activities with a 70’s theme, in our Ahuntsic-Cartierville offices in Montreal. The objective was to call to mind the journey of our payroll specialists since the foundation of Nethris some 45 years ago. Each employee was invited to wear brown bell-bottom pants, an orange shirt with psychedelic patterns or unusually large glasses to express, in American hippy fashion, their desire to unite for payroll. Popcorn, cotton candy and gifts were offered to all of our employees.

At Nethris, we believe that it is important to take the time to highlight the essential work of payroll professionals. Hence, we sponsor, year after year, the various conferences and networking activities organized by the Canadian Payroll Association during the National Payroll Week.